2018.06.13 | 展覧会

Riusuke Fukahori Solo Exhibition in Japan  平塚市美術館 刈谷市美術館 巡回展 金魚絵師 深堀隆介展”平成しんちう屋”

金魚絵師 深堀隆介展 “平成しんちう屋”  巡回展
Riusuke Fukahori Solo Exhibition:
“Heisei Shinchuya”

In Hiratsuka Museum of Art:
July 7th, 2018 ~ September 2nd, 2018

◆開館時間:9:30 ~ 17:00( 入場は16:30 まで)
※8/4(土)~ 8/19(日)は18:00 まで開館(入場は17:30 まで) 
◆Opening Hours: 9:30~17:00 (Last Entry at 16:30)
※8/4 (Sat)~ 8/19 (Sun) : 9:30~18:00 (Last Entry at 17:30)

◇休館日 月曜日(ただし7/16 は開館)、7/17(火)
◇Closed on Mondays ( Opened on 7/16 due to national holiday)
July 17th (Tues) will be closed

◆観覧料金 一般900(720) 円/高大生500(400) 円
※( ) 内は20 名以上の団体料金
※各種障がい者手帳をお持ちの方と付添1 名は無料
※65 歳以上で平塚市民の方は無料、市外在住の方は団体料金(年齢・住所を確認できるものをご提示ください)
◆Admission Fee : Adults 900 (720) JPY/ Students 500 (400) JPY
※Prices in ( ) applies to groups with 20 persons or more.
※Free admission for Junior High Students or below. Free admission for High School students every Saturday.
※Free admission for person/s with appropriate disability license and one more person assisting him/her.
※Free admission for residents of Hiratsuka City and over the age of 65. Person/s from outside Hiratsuka City and over the age of 65 will be charged the same amount as the group discount. Please present identification at the ticket desk.
※Family Discount (Junior High Students or below and his/her parents or grandparents.)

◇主催 平塚市美術館
◇Organizer: Shonan The Hiratsuka Museum of Art

◇協 賛 ターナー色彩株式会社、神奈川中央交通株式会社
◇Sponsors: Turner Colour Works Ltd., Kanagawa Chuo Kotsu Co.,Ltd.

◇出品協力 株式会社そごう・西武
◇Support: Sogo & Seibu Co., Ltd.

◇制作協力 NHK プラネット中部
◇Production Support: NHK PlanNet, INC. (Chubu Area)

担当 土方明司氏(当館館長代理)、石丸郁乃氏(当館嘱託員)
Curator: Meiji Hijikata, Ikuno Ishimaru

日時 7 月7 日(土) 14:00 ~
場所 テーマホール
◆Live Painting Performance◆
Date: 7/7 (Sat)  Time: 14:00~
Location: Theme Hall
※Free, no registration needed

日時 7 月21 日(土) 10:00‐12:00
場所 テーマホール、対象 小学生以上
“Charcoal Goldfish Aquarium”
Date: 7/21 (Sat)   Time: 10:00 – 12:00
Location: Theme Hall
For Primary School Students and up
Lecturer: Riusuke Fukahori
※Pre-registration required. Please contact the museum for registration process.

日時 8 月11 日(土・祝) 10:00‐13:00
場所 アトリエ、対象 親子(小・中学生)
“Goldfish Gel Candles”
Date: 8/11 (Sat)  Time: 10:00 – 13:00
Location: Art Studio
For Primary School and Junior High School Students and their parents
Lecturer: Riusuke Fukahori
※Pre-registration required. Please contact the museum for registration process.

日時 7 月21 日(土) 14:00‐15:30
場所 ミュージアムホール
※申込不要、無料、先着150 名
Date: 7/21 (Sat)  Time: 14:00 – 15:30
Location: Museum Hall
Lecturer: Riusuke Fukahori
※Free, no registration needed. First-come-first-serve for 150 seats.

日時 7 月29 日(日) 14:00 ~(3 時間程度を予定)
◆Open Studio Session◆
The artist will conduct an open studio session inside his newest installation, “Shinchuuya”.
Date: 7/29 (Sun)  Time: 14:00 ~ (about 3 hours)
※Free, no pre-registration needed. Observation tickets required. Please inquire the ticket desk for tickets.

日時 8 月11 日(土・祝) 14:00‐14:40
◇Exhibition Tour by the artist◇
The artist will give you a tour around the entire exhibition. Please meet at the entrance of Exhibition Room 1.
Date: 8/11 (Sat)  Time: 14:00 – 14:40
※Free, no registration needed. Tour tickets required. Please inquire the ticket desk for tickets.


▽みんなで選ぼうお気に入りの作品!! ひらつか子ども審査員賞▽
投票期間 7月7日(土)~8月9日(木)
発表期間 8月14日(火)~9月2日(日)
対   象 本展来場の中学生までの子ども
▽Vote for your favourite artwork! Hiratsuka Kids Choice Awards!▽
Voting Period: July 7th (Sat) ~ August 9th (Thurs)
Voting Results: August 14th (Tues) ~ September 2nd (Sun)
For Children Junior High and under

△夏休みに美術館・博物館・図書館をめぐろう! 折り紙ラリー△
期間 7月7日(土)~8月28日(火)
△Summer Break Project: Let’s visit museums and libraries! Origami Rally△
Dates: July 7th (Sat) ~ August 28th (Tues)

金魚の持つ神秘性に魅了され、創作を続ける深堀隆介(1973 年愛知県名古屋市生、横浜市在住) は、透明樹脂にアクリル絵具で金魚を描くという独自の斬新な手法で注目を集める若手の現代美術家です。
 1995 年愛知県立芸術大学を卒業し、名古屋のディスプレイ会社にデザイナーとして勤務するも1999年に退職、本格的に創作活動を開始し、絵画と立体を並行してさまざまな作品を制作します。しかし、次第に自分が何をすべきかを悩み、自信を失いかけていた頃、金魚を描くきっかけとなった転機が訪れます。それは7 年間放置していた水槽で生き続ける金魚の存在に気づき、その美しさに制作意欲をかきたれられたこと。金魚に救われたというこの出来事を「金魚救い」と呼び、その後、金魚に自分を重ね、表現を追究してきました。
 本展では、初期の立体作品から初公開となる新作インスタレーション《平成しんちう屋》を含む約200 点により、深堀隆介の世界を紹介する本格的な個展となります。絵画でありながら立体的な躍動感にあふれ、不思議な美しさを湛えた深堀金魚を存分に愛で、お楽しみください。 

Fascinated by the mysterious presence of goldfish, Riusuke Fukahori (born in 1973 in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture- Currently a Yokohama resident) continues to create his works by mainly utilizing resin and acrylic paint. Fukahori’s unique technique brings attention within the contemporary art world to the young artist.
 In 1995, graduating from the Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music, he worked as a designer in a displaying company. After retirement in 1999, he starts his production activities by creating both 2D and 3D artworks. At this time, he experiences a self-identity crisis and enters a period of slump. Goldfish is what triggers him to change this slump into an opportunity. One day Fukahori had noticed his pet goldfish that he have neglected for 7 years, and at that moment, saw the beauty of it. This caused him to regain the motivation to continue his production activity. He called this event “Goldfish Salvation,” and ever since, he has seen himself as this goldfish and continued with his pursuit to deepen his new and unique technique.
 His very unique technique involves him pouring a layer of resin into a container, and painting a small portion of the goldfish on to the surface. He then repeats the process numerous times. As the painted parts are layered one over another, it creates a 3D, life-like goldfish. These collection of Fukahori’s goldfish artwork now gets high praise and reviews from all around the world. In recent years, he is putting more effort in his live painting performance as well as his installations.
 This Exhibition will showcase Fukahori’s earlier works to his most recent installation, “Heisei Shinchuuya”. Approximately 200 artworks in total, this exhibition is a true reflection of Fukahori’s world. Please enjoy the paintings in its 3D form, which adds movement and mysterious beauty to Riusuke Fukahori’s love for goldfish.
-Shonan The Hiratsuka Museum of Art

巡回 刈谷市美術館
In Kariya City Art Museum:
September 15th, 2018 ~ November 4th, 2018
